Waiting for glue to dry is an opportunity to get on with another part of the project, so I decided to start putting the canons together, beginning with the main deck iron canons. I substituted cocktail sticks for the wheel axles, and the rear foot of each canon. I had to enlarge all the holes to 2mm, and I drilled these while the components were still in their component sheets, as they are easier to hold firm and less likely to split. It’s very useful to refer to the numerous photographs of the real Mary Rose online as a reference. Caldercraft have replicated them as they see fit for a kit, but you can do it your own way, and I like the white axles made from cocktail sticks. To finish the wheels to a nice round shape, I used my small pillar drill. 

I’ve started on the second layer of walnut planking. First I planked part of the stern. I fixed the first plank at deck level, then temporarily fitted a lime plank a bit lower (5 walnut planks at mid ships). This I allowed to fall where it wanted to around the curves of the hull. I will fit the walnut planks up to the lime plank, before removing it, shaping the walnut planks to fit. I’m using superglue to fit the walnut planks.DSC_1172



